I always try not to get too political in things that I do and say but sometimes there are some things that you need to share. "I'm not the Indian you had in Mind" is a video/spoken word, written and directed by Indigenous Author Thomas King.
This short video stars Thomas King, Tara Beagan and Lorne Cardinal. The National Screen Institute describes this video as "offering insight as to how First Nations people today are changing old ideas and empowering themselves in the greater community."
This reminds me of a presentation that was given in one of my previous classes last year. It involves a TED Talk on YouTube by a woman named Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. In this video Chimamanda talks about the dangers of a single story, a one-dimensional character if you will.
It's seeing the "Indian" in the movies but not the one living next door to you
It's seeing "teepees" but not realizing that Indigenous Peoples live in houses, just like the rest of society.
The danger of a single story is that we become just that, a single story, a one-dimensional portrayal by the media. It is up to us to change our narrative because..... I am NOT the Indian you had in mind.